Friday, July 15, 2005

I tried not to look confused, even if he WAS confusing me. "Well .... umm.... and????" I asked, still confused. "You are not hired by me, so it don't matter" I said, trying to see who this person-that-kills-people-who-annoy-his-boss was. I noted that it was gradually getting lighter, although it was still too dark to see, and it was still raining.

"'re not helping much..." Coro muttered, I imagined that she was glaring at me. She does that a lot.

"Well, I wasn't trying to." I said, glaring back at her (even if she WASN'T glaring at me).

Monday, July 11, 2005

This one isn't animated.

Alicia's Profile

Name: Alicia
Full name: Luna de Alicia (Alicia Moon)
Nickname(s): Alici, Ali, Cia, Luna.
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Vernacular: EspaƱol(Spanish)
Race/Species: Neopet, Aisha.
Phystical description: 5.9ft, short Brown, limp hair, dark red skin. Blue Eyes. Anthro.
Family: Back home.
Friends: Ninguno(None)
Clothes: Normally wears a white halter-top, black Jeans, and white trainers.
History: Unknown.
Other: She goes back home on January the 18th, 2006. Usually ignored by others who don't speak Spanish, Alicia feels quite ignored.


Alicia Is yet ANOTHER of my role-play characters.

She speaks Spanish, and is an Aisha*(a Neopet).

*Aisha's are a bit like cats. They are flat-footed, and don't have toes. They have two pairs of ears. One pair of ears are catlike and sit on top of their head, while the other pair are on thick 'stalks' on the top of their heads. These ears are also cat-like.

Cal's Profile

Name: Calivar (Cal-ee-vahr)
Full name: Calivar Bullan (Cal-ee-vhar Bull-ahn)
Nicknames: Cal
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Species/Race: Bull/Human hybrid
Vernacular (Way of speaking): Rough, English voice.
Phystical description: Wavy blonde hair that reaches to his shoulders. Large horns curve up from the side of his head. They're about a foot high. Bright blue eyes. Human-ish features. His hands are replaced with sharp, stone-colored hooves, making it very hard to pick things up and eat. Shifter (both four-legged and two-legged. He is normally in a two-legged stance)
Family: Unknown. He was an orphan from birth, until finally, at the age of 16 and half, he escaped from his previous parents.
Friends: None.
Clothes: Bare-chested, black jeans and brown leather boots.
History: Will remain unknown.
Personality: Generally friendly, but CAN get quite a temper if provoked. Quite humorous.
Other: His nose is pierced with a silver hoop, as is his left ear, with another silver hoop.


Cal is one of my (many) role-play characters, and this is his profile.

He is a human/bull hybrid, and one of my more recently created characters.

Azrien's Profile

Name: Azrien (Ahzz-ree-ehn)
Full name: Azrien Signet
Nickname(s): Az, Azri
Age: 19
Species/race: Kougra*
Vernacular (Way of speaking, her accent): British accent.
Physical description: Around 6-ft tall, long orange, spiked/battle torn fur. Bright red shoulder-length hair, covering bright green eyes. Human like features. Dark-blue stripes. Anthromorphic (able to walk on two feet).
Family: All back at her original home, in America.
Friends: None.
Clothes: Dark red, long-sleeved top. Black denim jeans, white tie-up trainers. One pure gold bracelet around her left wrist.
History - is being thought-up.
Personality: Evil, tempermental, enthusiastic.
Other: N/A

Azri is probably my favorite role-play character.

She(NOT he) is very tempermental and gets angry easily. She's also quite scary, and can do black magic**, and is a thief.

*Kougra's are like tigers.
** She also knows a bit of White Magic

Indi and some of her friends role-play, usually as their Neopets characters. She'll be posting some of her role-playing sometimes so is also going to post the profiles she has made up for some of them.

This is a picture of Starfire from the TV series 'Teen Titans'.
I used a picture I found on the web as a reference, so I basically copied this picture freehand.

This is Pikachu, from Poke'mon.
I randomly decided to draw this cause I was bored.
I don't like the shading much on it. :P

This is my sisters Eyrie from Neopets. :)
It's supposed to be Disco coloured.

I drew this cause she asked me too, and currently it's on the Eyrie's look-up
(If she still has the Eyrie, that is).

This is my friend Kitty's human role-play character,
that I drew for her as a present. :):)

This is my friends Korbat, I drew it for her as a present.