Azri walked along the streets of Neopia central, heading towards the stalls that where set up in the middle of the high-street....
Evening, people where packing up the stalls, dropping things everywhere. It was a piece of cake, taking money and items from 'em all. She had a black mobile at her ear, and was yelling into it. "I don't care if you've broken your NECK! You do what I say, or you're sacked, GOT IT!!?" she yelled into the phone. She pressed the 'call off' button on the mobile, sighing and shaking her head at Coro, who was walking next to her.
"I just HATE that guy. Maybe I will sack him. What do you think?" Coro shrugged.
"Who are you on about?" he asked, frowning.
"DUH! Leo!!"
"Oh..right...oh, hi Ange!!" Coro stopped, turning around to wave at Ange, who was running up to them.
"Hi, guys." she said, breathlessly, grinning at them both.
"Oh, hi" Azri said, waving vaguely at Ange.
"Guess what?" Ange said, still grinning.
"I dunno. You're royal? You've won an award? No, wait, you won the world championships?" Azri said sarcasticaly, rolling her eyes.
"No! Better!" Ange grinned. "I've had another ear piercing!"
"Ummm.....that's better than all those things Azri said?" Coro asked, confused.